Friday, April 29, 2005

"In A Mirror Darkly," Part II

Ah, the sound of 23rd century phasers.

And what a lovely painting of the Defiant in the Briefing Room.

"People have some strange ideas about uniforms."

Oh, you have no idea :)

"Shakespeare is equally grim in both universes."
Not quite. :)

I seem to recall that Shakespeare was, well, nastier on the Mirror-side.
Loved the shot comparing the sizes of the two classes of ships.

I thought the CGI work on the Gorn was wonderful....too bad we couldn't have seen the Gorn on our side. :(

Things that irritated me: Why the "my sane alter made me crazy" subplot? Archer doesn’t need the excuse of madness to do what he’s doing here. It’s standard operating procedure in Mirror-space. Or, if you’re going to make him nuts, no need to have anyone whispering in his ear. We get it. We're Trekfans which means, automatically, not stupid.

Ambassador Saval! And, in a way, he dies a hero's death in a small rebellion that never succeeded. Perhaps mirroring Spock's failed attempt a century later...and don't get snarky with me about 'how do I know Spock failed?' I have two words:

The Intendant

I was amused at the Vulcans' recruting techniques towards that’s nasty. Hitting Phlox right where he...well...loves :)

We also got to hear 23rd century torpedoes.

And a Mirror-Orion chick. Nice touch.

And...that ending....priceless. One wonders what Marlena Moreau did when Mirror Kirk returned from our side...Something similar perhaps? Hmmm.

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