Sunday, February 11, 2007

Count me now in the "These Suck" Column

Regarding the "Futureized" Trek.


Well, first let's back up....

Anyone who is a TOS fan, pay attention.

Saw "The Doomsday Machine" last evening.

And, they put in an amazing first shot of the decimated Constellation, roiling in space with asterroid chunks flying in erratic trajectories all round... as well as cool semi maneuvering scenes by Decker's shuttle.

Not to mention that the Planet Killer is now about forty times scarier, which is fantastic...

So, if I *like* that stuff, what's my beef?

While they left in....

Decker, full of crazed snark, to Spock: "I don't recognize your authority to relieve me..."

They took *out*...

Decker, cagey : "You're bluffing."

Spock at his most certain and assured: "Vulcans..never..bluff."

And they also cut about five seconds out of the nerve jangling countdown at the end.

*Who* said that TOS would bring in a new generation of fans if they glitzed it up, but cut dialogue and altered thematic impact as shamelessly as any syndicator in the 1970's who "stripped" it ever did.

I love the new FX, but the episodes are diminished without every beloved line.