Thursday, April 14, 2005

Why is this here?

None of the work on this blog is intended as copyright infringement. All of the series and characters discussed here are the property of Paramount Pictures.

There are only two purposes for this site.

1. To keep my Trek musings off of my regular blog, as a courtesy to those who wouldn't know a Cardassian from a Tholian

2. At least as its primary intent, to provide a place where the end of the franchise can be mourned properly. I assume if more people find out about it there will be some negative fangriping. I'm not looking for that. I'm looking for like minded folk to discuss what we loved about the *entire* franchise.


Anonymous said...

"end of the franchise"? Has Paramount said that there won't be any new series or movies? I can't imagine's far too lucrative a property.

Or do you just mean that, with "Enterprise" being cancelled, there's no current activity in the franchise?

imfunnytoo said...

Paramount has in fact said just that. There *may* be another movie, but
even that is in doubt, and no more series are being considered for